Up we woke on monday (after way oversleeping) and headed out for breakfast. we went to the counting house for breakfast -a pub that actually used to be a bank..
it was really neat looking.. no building designed as a bar would have this much architecture inside the building.
after breakfast we checked out of our hotel and got on the bus to edinburgh (which is pronounced more like ed-in-burah) - the capital of scotland. only pictures can describe how beautiful this place was.
the city of Edinburgh is divided into Old Town and New Town.
Above is a view of Old from from New Town.
We climbed a monument called the Scott Monument which provided us with an absolutely gorgeous view of both Old Town and New Town (Above is Old Town)
Edinburgh Castle
View of New Town from the monument
the "Unfinished monument"
the Nelson Monument
our walk from New Town into Old Town Edinburgh
the "royal mile" is a series of continuous street through Old Town.. it runs from Edinburgh Castle to Holyrood Palace.
the streets of Old Town
the buildings were all so historic and beautiful
Apparently if you spit in the centre of this heart you will have good luck for life
we had a night tour booked around 930 pm at night.. we had enough time to walk around New Town and Old Town, go on a Scotch/Whiskey Experience Tour (in which we got to see the process in which Scotch is made and do a taste testing) and go for dinner - i had fish and chips and a Scottish beer!
the tour we went on was called hidden and haunted - in which we got to explore the vaults that run under the streets of Old Town which the tour guide told stories of haunted Edinburgh and paranormal experiences others had experiences in these vaults. there is so much history in this town it was unbelievable! i loved it all.
after the tour we walked around Greyfriars graveyard. it was pitch black at this point so we couldn't see much.. we decided to head back to the hotel and visit the graveyard during day light.