when people disappoint you, what is the reasoning for that? is it that your expectations of them are too high or is it that their actions are not at par with what the general population (society) would expect in that particular situation? have you ever wondered that? sometimes amazing and important people in my life disappoint me and im trying to figure out if i am to blame or them. i honestly hate being disappointed with people.. but on occasion it happens. if i can avoid it i want to. maybe my expectations are too high of them.. maybe i shouldn't expect you to take my favourite movie into consideration when determining what to watch. maybe i shouldn't expect you to remember i hate carrots and ribs. maybe i shouldn't expect you to hangout with me once in a while without your boyfriend "conveniently having failed plans" tagging along. maybe i shouldn't expect you to listen to my favourite band on car rides or tell me your "big news" first. maybe i shouldn't expect you to read the emotions on my face before you act.
or its entirely possible that in these situations, these individuals are not living up to what is normal behaviour. maybe when it comes to movie selection you are stubborn and selfish and this is the reason you wont let my favourite movie be an option.. in that case.. give over it.. you win some you lose some.. i watch movies you like all the time! maybe you remember i hate carrots and ribs but are trying to prove a point that i should cook for myself.. do that some other way please! i was having an extremely bad day that day and there was nothing else in the house i could make.. maybe you need your boyfriend there at all times of the day because no one is as important as he is.. well i'll tell you what.. that attitude will make you loose many friends.. and maybe its normal to expect that you'd tell me certain information before you tell anyone else.. we have been through a lot together haven't we?.. oh and when it comes to reading my emotions.. if you know me at all.. you know my emotions are capitalized and bolded on my face.. if you care i'd say its reasonable i expect you to read the emotions written on my face and act in a way that coincides with what you read.. no?
"expecting is my favourite crime and disappointment
is always my punishment" - anonymous