Monday, November 26, 2012

i donated blood!

on the weekend i donated blood successfully! it may seem strange that the previous sentence ended in successfully but i promise, it doesn't always. i'll just give a brief history of my visits to the blood donor clinic:
- the first time i tried to donate i passed out during the it - they only managed to get 445 ml of my blood before i passed out (i believe they take about 610ml usually but i could be wrong). it was a bit embarrassing-
- the second time i gave blood- i gave the full 610 ml of blood but i fainted in the chair after giving. they took the needle out and asked me to put pressure with gauze on the puncture point and then i all i remember is waking up to nurses around me again.. nurses with smiles all around saying good job! they got the full amount.
-the third time i gave blood - my body temperature was too cold. i'm pretty sure the thermometer was reading 35.2 degrees celsius (37 is the standard) - the nurses sent me for hot tea and put a blanket on me for a few minutes - i ended up giving blood when they finally got my temperature up to 35.9 degrees, but it didn't go so smoothy and i felt freezing and weak the whole weekend.
- the fourth time i tried to give blood - my blood stopped flowing into the bag. for about 2 minutes the volume in the bag did not increase at all. the nurse actually had to remove the needle and put it back in in a different location. the area hurt so bad that i asked her to remove it and i didn't finish giving.
this was my fifth time and it was perfect! i've learned from the previous 4 times what to instruct the nurses to do after im finished donating, i've learned to drink lots of fluids and eat a good meal before. slightly less important..i've learned to bring music to keep my mind away from the thoughts of blood being drained from my body!
i am proud i was able to donate blood this weekend. i am proud that my parents and sisters go as often as they are able to. there are many reasons to give and so few reasons to not.
but then again- i've never been freaked out by the site or blood or getting needles so for me, it was just getting over the passing out thing.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

so what wednesdays!

so what wednesday.. heard of it?
i have, this week im saying so what (and linking up with shannon)..!

so what if:

- im 25 and i go to bed at 10pm usually 7 days of the week
- i've started reading the scarlet letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne on three separate occasions and i cannot get into it and in fact have not got past the introductory chapter
- while wedding dress shopping with my friend for her wedding dress i also kept an eye out for my perfect wedding dress (far far future!).. i may have even made a few recommendations that were definitely my style, not hers
- i stayed an extra half hour after work so i could access employee discount coupons only accessible on the intranet at work  - and i even printed out a few.
- i go on amazon almost every day and add to my wishlist of books i want for christmas
- the main reason i was excited for the santa clause parade this year was for the penguin float and they didn't even have it - ultimately this just makes me dissappointed with the parade
- i prefer cookie dough to cookies
- my favourite christmas movie is Just Friends with ryan reynolds and amy smart -  this may not be your traditional christmas movie but it is mine.
- i've had the new taylor swift cd on repeat on my ipod since my boyfriend gave me the cd three weeks ago.

and in other news:
i'm i've made a challenge for myself: to write more, post more and make this blog what it used to be. i've had a few inspirational words sent my way recently and i'm taking them to heart.
honestly, i may not have anything interesting to say but i am going to think out on the screen more often or even just fill the page with pretty pictures 
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