Sunday, January 22, 2012


i was thinking today about great writers. not necessarily famous writers - well known or legendary - i mean people who write letters, emails, notes and blogs so beautifully. these people are intellectual, they think, they are smart. words are powerful and im just beginning to fathom this fact. i've always enjoyed reading books and academic literature but my love of reading came more from the love of the story. a love for the place the author was taking me and guiding my thoughts, a love for the knowledge i was gaining from the information i was reading. only recently have realized i love words and the messages the words on a paper are relaying to me. i have more of an appreciation for how creatively and artistically writers put words together. 
today i went to the bookstore. i went to get my coffee and walked around the bookstore for a while. i ended up in the poetry section. poetry, really? ive never ventured to that section of the bookstore before. i spent about 30 minutes in the section, pulling out a few books and reading a poem or two from a few writers. poetry is one of those things ive never really appreciated very much and its probably for the reason i just mentioned above. i decided i want to read some poetry. see if i am able to appreciate it. e.e cummings, dylan thomas anyone? 

1 comment:

  1. there are definitely poems I've come across that I've connected with so deeply (almost instantly!) But I've never really "read" poetry. I bought a book a few months ago and I've been reading one poem at a time. It's really helped me to stay interested.

    and I love e.e. cummings too!


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