Friday, August 31, 2012

end of summer

it is the last day of august already, i cant believe how fast this summer has passed. maybe its because when you work full time you dont really get a summer, or maybe its because i didn't have a vacation to look forward to all summer or maybe its the fact that im pale as can be.. whatever it is, it seems this summer flew by. the nights are starting to get cooler and leaves are already falling to the ground here. as labour day approaches, we know the end of the summer is closer than we are ready for. 
dont get me wrong, i am absolutely crazy about the fall. i just feel every year i am unprepared when it settles in. im not really ready for eating dinners outside on the deck to end, or for the sun to set before 8:30. im not ready for sandals to be put away or to see thanksgiving decorations everywhere i go. but fall was come when its ready..
and im okay with that.
fall does win when it comes to fashion.. and i am kind of exciting for pumpkin spice lattes to come back to starbucks.. and hamilton gets pretty beautiful in the fall :)
heres to september and an awesome long weekend!
via weheartit

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