Saturday, March 3, 2012

perfect mornings

the days i live for are not lazy but relaxing:
waking up around 8:30 or 9 after a good sleep and making a fresh pot of coffee. as the coffee is being made and the bold aroma surrounds the air, turning on my laptop and opening a browser with three tabs - gmail, twitter/pinterest and one of my favourite blog. on the best of these days the house is quiet and guinness is calm.. he lazily stumbles to wherever i decide to sit that morning and plops himself down near my feet. i'll enjoy the cup of coffee while reading blog posts or emails and once done make some breakfast.
these relaxing mornings rarely happen for a bunch of different reasons. one: i do not live alone and there is often so much going on in a house when everyone has their own schedule. two: i have morning classes 4 days a week and often those mornings in which i do not have early classes i have work to go to and three: sometimes i am just to stressed to have a relaxing morning.
this was my friday:
and this just so perfectly depicts my perfect morning.  banana chocolate chip cinnamon pancakes with pure canadian maple syrup, a fresh cup of coffee made from the french press i bought the other day. an itunes playlist with the perfect mix of adele and snow patrol and i knowing i don't have to work for the next few days.  

*im back at school starting monday.. booo :(


  1. I love weekend mornings for this exact reason! What's better than making to-do lists, having time for a glass of wine, and clean sheets.

  2. (I feel that I should specify that the glass of wine is in the evening, once the to-do list is done. ha!)

    1. i agree! a glass of wine in the evening is the perfect end to a relaxing (or stressful) day. actually, its the perfect end to any day!


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