Thursday, May 5, 2011

a hundred million suns

i would just like to take this time to discuss a band. there is this band called snow patrol and i pretty much think they are the most amazing band ever. if you know any song by them you probably know the song 'chasing cars'. anyways, the bands not new, the most recent album was released umm maybe 4 years ago but they are still my favourite. a hundred million suns - cd title. best cd of life.
okay so snow patrol is that music that you can listen to in any mood. literally i just drove home from work singing it at the top of my lungs (im kind of a loser like that, but i have fun). the music makes me think and i like to think. gary lightbody has an amazing voice. oh and they are from ireland. first of all i love accents. second of all, thats the one place i would die to go.
three songs i advise you listen to:
please just take these photos from my hands
- engines
shut your eyes

to be completely honest. picking only three was one of the hardest things i had to do. 

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