Thursday, November 24, 2011

awkward and awesome

- me trying to tell stories. especially when i dont remember all the information.
- a guy in my class making me a cd entitled "christine's mix" and dropping it on my desk during school (-okay i guess the fact he made it is not awkward.. i think the name/dropping it on my desk in the middle of class was awkward)
- commenting about how they should remove all smoking shelters near building in front of someone who smokes..(definitely found out she smokes 10 minutes after i said that)
- friends getting twitter.. now i have to take the link to this blog off my twitter account 
- i was told when you are talking to someone its always good to make eye contact.. but if you are talking to someone and you start focuses on keeping eye contact and thinking about it too much it just gets awkward and i think i end up looking away more than remaining contact

- going to milestones for my friends birthday, ordering a mocha (because i was driving, no wine) and their credit card machine wasn't working properly... it was taking like 10 minutes. so they said its on the house, dont worry.. sweet! free $4 mocha!
- getting ahead in school work.. im done two of the three assignments i have due next monday and 80% complete on the project due next thursday
- a friend at work is going to teach me how to snowboard this winter! soo excited!!
- santa clause parade and chocolate calendars
- starbucks eggnog lattes and peppermint mochas!


  1. Sweet that someone made you a mix:-) Funny about smoking, hey that's what they get it's stinks!!!

  2. the 'smoking shelters' situation definitely gave me a laugh. I feel like I am always doing things like that! I wish I had a rewind button.


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