Thursday, December 1, 2011

chocolate calendar time

its december 1st today! you know what that means..

i get to eat the first chocolate of this years countdown to christmas calendar. yes im 24 and my mom still buys me a chocolate calendar every year.. its one of the many traditions i love. 
its also time for christmas list making, christmas shopping, christmas baking, ugly sweater parties and all the other traditions; christmas tree cutting pour example. (yes pour.. its my attempt at french)
okay, so i'll cross off christmas list making this year. i got my nikon D3000 for my birthday this year which is way more than my parents spend on birthdays. no christmas presents for me this year.. but i have a puppy now! so i'll make a list for him. too be honest, i dont think i could even make a list for myself if i needed to. i can't think of anything i need/want. maybe a chapters gift certificate.. :)
and sadly, i even have to miss out on christmas tree cutting this year. i have to work this weekend and thats when my parents have decided to go :(.. but im totes in for the christmas baking and the ugly sweater parties im planning on attending! 
oh and despite what i said earlier.. if there is anything i want for christmas it may or may not be found in this little treasure right here:
and new glasses. i would like some new glasses.. as much as i love mine, i think my eyes have gotten worse.. thats what getting older does to you!
no im not getting greedy.. im just saying

*loop scarf american eagle outfitters, 40% off * 

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