dont you hate when you find out something about someone that you shouldn't know, or not necessarily shouldn't, but they just dont know you know. and its even worse when it makes you mad or sad but you can't confront the person about it because you shouldn't know in the first place. its not like the person deliberately says you are not supposed to know, but you just know you aren't supposed to know because its against all contexts you have ever known about the person. im sorry if this confuses you but im not really willing to explain it any more than i have here. im not saying you shouldn't keep things from people, everyone has their right to have their own life and to single out certain situations or aspects of their personality they want to reveal to different sorts of people. im just saying it sucks when i know something i shouldn't and i can't tell the only person it would affect. too be honest, i dont even think it would affect him, but we probably wouldn't talk as much, since im pretty sure its meant to be kept from me lol. its simpler that way.
why can't everyone just be who they are in front of everyone. actually i understand why they can't, but it just bugs me sometimes. i understand why when you are at work or school you need to act a little more responsible, organized, maybe punctual than when you are with your friends/family, and that you may be more inhibited with your new or old friends then you would be with the opposite group. but it does make things a little easier (understandable, comprehendible and enjoyable) if you are not a jerk half the time, a mystery a quarter of the time and a sweetheart the other quarter of the time. choose one so i can act appropriately to your selection.
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