Saturday, April 23, 2011

cameras dont lie

i like that cameras dont lie. they capture the world as it is at that exact moment. like the polaroid film cameras that instantly print out the photos, no editing, au naturale (i really want one but have no idea where to get them). our memories lie but photographs of the past dont. sure you can mess around with photos, add people and objects that were not there and enhance colours that in actual existence are dull, but the original is truthful.
im just making a statement. i actually love playing around with photos, i only wish i had photoshop. i was in blacks photography today and i asked about photoshop and the lady said.. wow thats a large investment! its complicated and expensive. haha i still want it! but as much as i like messing around with certain pictures, sometime an original picture is priceless.
i think cameras should be carried around as often as cellphones and wallets. why not!? i mean.. what if i see a purple sky, or a dancing dog? what if i see a 8'6" women or a chocolate bar the size of my dad? or even a neon blue car or a funny licence plate. i want evidence!! for my self and for any stories i want to tell. so anyways my camera hasn't had a charger for the past two years, long story. i've been using my moms, or my friends charger every time my battery dies. a few days ago my camera died and since my friend moved and my mom no longer has the charger i decided since my camera was 5 years plus it was time for a new one. so fitting i bought a camera.
just a snap and shoot. simple.
im excited.  

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