Wednesday, April 27, 2011

character is not inherited

have you ever done something you wanted to do and people are like wow thats so out of character? well i hate that. what is character? if character is me, i probably create my own character and therefore if i do something unexpected it is probably 'in my character' to do it. does that make sense? i understand sometimes, if you have someone whose morals are intact and they suddenly do something ethically/morally wrong.. you may be shocked by what they do, and yes possibly believe it is not something they would usually do. this i guess would be a more serious situation. im referring more about when you wear something new, maybe trying a new style and people are like wow i would never picture you wearing that.. and they say it in that judging way of why are you trying to be someone you are not. hey people.. if im wearing it, it is now part of my wardrobe and just because i normally dont wear it, it should not be ruled out of who i am and what i wear. again, we invent who we are as we go. we know whats right and wrong, but sticking to what is right why not try something new once in a while, whether it be a new haircut, a tattoo or piercing, writing a blog, dressing different, finding a new hobby. do it if you want. i like being me and i like doing new things and having new interests :)

options are unlimited. be creative with yourself.

"change and growth take place when a person has risked himself and dares to become involved with experimenting with his own life" - anonymous 

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