"I can never read all the books I want; I can never be all the people I want and live all the lives I want. I can never train myself in all the skills I want. And why do I want? I want to live and feel all the shades, tones and variations of mental and physical experience possible in life. And I am horribly limited." - Sylvia Plath
I really like this quote.
Sylvia Plath is the author of The Bell Jar which is a book i just finished reading about a young girl, a girl prime of her life and interning for a fashion magazine in new york, who begins to experience a mental breakdown (and sever depression). the book is actually a semi biographical description of the authors life. my description of the book is really besides the point (you should just read it).. really i just appreciate her quote.
read it.. doesn't it make you think?.. you really can't do everything you want in life so i guess we are best doing what we want when we want it because our feelings of wanting something will never cease to exist. if you want something now in life and you are convinced you have never wanted anything so bad in your life.. you have two options: get it.. or dont get it.. my suggestion is get it because at that point it will make you happy.. yes its true that in 5 days from that day you may not want it anymore but you will never know. maybe you will still want it maybe you wont. and why do we want? why do i want ice cream when i know it makes my stomach hurt, why do i want to keep buying new books when i have a bunch i haven't read. honestly i always buy multiple books at a time and am equally excited to read all of them, but then while im reading one, i buy more books and suddenly im so excited to read these new ones and no longer interested in reading the ones i bought before.
i dont know, this quote just makes me think..
i have this friend and he always makes me think about things like life.. not in a depressing way but in a questioning way.. there are so many questions to ask about life and i sometimes like that it is up to us to find answers.. they dont come easy. as sylvia plath said, 'we are so limited'. i think we live to experience. to experience emotion, physical and intellectual stimulation, but each person has different limits or restrictions and these limitations are sometimes based on geographical location or even physical build. certain individuals cannot experience a snowflake falling on their tongue simply because they do not live in such climates and do not have the financial means to go to such climates. this is only one example of how limited we are to experience everything life here has the potential to offer.
yup just some thoughts id put to paper (or computer)..
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