Tuesday, December 13, 2011

i wish we could open our eyes, to see in all directions at the same time

almost each day for the past few week ive received a text:"ask me something".  This has slowly become one of my favourite three word texts. it requires me to compile thoughts together to form a question i want to know the answer to. taken verbatim the text requires me to ask any simple superficial question i want to know about him such as; what is your favourite movie? favourite dessert? best christmas present?. sometimes my questions do take this approach. this text warrants caution though and this caution is solely based on the fact that this individual is rather intelligent and analytical almost to the point of insanity. asking him such a superficial question would bore him and what is the fun in that right? 
last night my question was "what inspires you?". his response: natural phenomena - beauty in the world that occurs so naturally. like the patterns in a snowflake. 
he answered it so simply, so perfectly.
so, what inspires you
think about it..
i want to know!

1 comment:

  1. i get tired thinking up questions. i'd rather be on the other end answering them but yeah, i like questions (: i think questions are very necessary and i never tire of asking/answering questions because at least you know that whatever mystery there is will be unravelled.

    inspiration is tricky. it can be in anything/anywhere/anyone. one just needs to be open to accepting it when it does choose to emerge. although for me, personally, my inspiration has always been music and the lyrics to a really good song (:


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